Installation of Rev. Dr. Pippin Whitaker April 16

All are welcome at this joyous occasion of the installation of UUFA’s fifth settled minister Sunday, April 16 during the 10:30 a.m. service.

An installation is the congregational act of formally entering into shared ministry with their professional minister.

Rev. Pippin began her post August 1, 2022. Previously, she was Executive Director and Co-Founder of the South Carolina Unitarian Universalist Justice Alliance (SCUUJA), a statewide action network for Unitarian Universalists to coordinate and promote social justice in South Carolina. She also served as Affiliated Community Minister at the UU Congregation of Columbia.

Before moving to South Carolina, Rev. Pippin served as Minister of the Accotink UU Church in Burke, VA. In addition to service in congregations and state-level UU organizing, she also served the national level in our faith as Co-chair of the Commission on Social Witness of the Unitarian Universalist Association from 2019-2022. 

To the UU ministry, Rev. Pippin brings extensive experience in community and organizational change to prevent both individual and structural violence and to build communities focused on mutual liberation. She holds a Master of Divinity from Meadville Lombard Theological School, in Chicago, IL. She also holds a PhD in Social Work and a Master of Social Work with a focus in nonprofit administration and policy from the Florida State University, in Tallahassee, FL.

Rev. Pippin now lives in Athens, GA, with her spouse, Steve, and three children, along with two dogs. She enjoys time with family, reading, running, playing piano, cooking (mostly) healthy food, and admiring the outdoors.

Contact Rev. Pippin by email or at the UUFA office (706-546-7914, ext. 3).

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