Teach-In on Ukraine Hosted by UUFA’s Peace Advocacy Team

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All are invited to the Teach-In on Ukraine on Saturday, April 15, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. as local experts share their knowledge about the history of this war-torn country and the consequences of the past year.  Sponsored by the UUFA Peace Advocacy Team, this event will include a catered lunch. 


The Hon. Martha Farnsworth has been a Visiting Scholar at SPIA with a research focus on the impact of diversity on institutions and nations. A fellow of the American Statistical Association, she served as Director of the U.S. Census Bureau between 1994 and 1998. Then she guided branches of the U.S. military toward leveraging the positive impacts of diversity on work unit and organizational performance. Recently, she has been writing a book about similar policy directions for national policy-makers. Dr. Farnsworth earned her B.A. and M.A. from the University of Michigan, and a PhD from Georgetown University.

Scott Nelson is the Georgia Athletic Association Professor of History at UGA. His 2006 book Steel Drivin’ Man, about the legend of John Henry won four national awards including the Curti Prize for best book in US history. His latest book, Oceans of Grain compares conflicts over westward expansion in the United States to conflicts over Russian expansion into the Black Sea. Completed in 2021, it predicted continued Russian violence in Ukraine. It was published  two days before Putin’s invasion. It has been featured on BBC News, CBC News, NPR, and received rave reviews in the Wall Street Journal, The Financial Times, and the New York Review of Books. It has already been translated into Chinese, Portuguese, and Turkish. Japanese and Russian translations are in the works.

K. Chad Clay is the Director of the Center for the Study of Global Issues (GLOBIS) and  Associate Professor in the Department of International Affairs at UGA. Prior to receiving his PhD in political science from Binghamton University in 2012, he received a BA in chemistry from Hendrix College in 2003 and MA degrees in political science and sociology from the University of Memphis in 2007 and 2008, respectively.  Dr. Clay’s research focuses on the on the determinants of human rights practices, collective dissent, political violence, and economic development.

Dr. Erin Little is a Lecturer in the School of Public and International Affairs at UGA. Her research emphasizes the role that civilian targeting plays during international conflict in escalating conflict processes and inhibiting positive peace. She also explores how international organizations and international law endeavor to both prevent civilian targeting and ameliorate its effects, and when these efforts are most successful. Erin earned her Ph.D.  from the University of Alabama, where she documented an incident-level dataset to empirically study attacks on civilians over the course of international conflict. She is currently consolidating her on the effects of civilian targeting and interventions to  prevent such attacks  and mitigate their consequences moving forward.


11 to Noon

Introduction: Welcome, Logistics, Why We’re Here – Adrien Helm

Panel 1: Dr. Martha Farnsworth: War in Historical Context and Dr. Scott Reynolds Nelson: Oceans of Grain

12 to 12:30 p.m. Lunch: Small table discussions

12:30 to 1:45 p.m. 

Panel 2: Dr. Chad Clay: Human Rights and Dr. Erin Little: Targeting of Civilians and Civilian Infrastructure

Panel 3: Voices on the Ground: How to Help

Dr. Martha Farnsworth: War in Historical Context and Dr. Scott Reynolds Nelson: Oceans of Grain

For further information, contact Adrien Helm at uufapeaceadvocacy@gmail.com.

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