There are many events held on Sundays, both in-person and virtually, in addition to our Sunday worship service and Religious Exploration for children and teens. You are welcome to partake in whichever ones meet your needs. Visit This Month in Worship and this week in Religious Exploration to learn more about the monthly themes, weekly worship, and RE topics.

Community and Conversation

Community and conversation is held after the worship service as we gather and share each other’s company. We connect with others sharing our thoughts about the service, what is happening in the world in general, and our lives in particular. We enjoy snacks, talking, and participation in activities such as singing meditation, a writing group, or a social justice meeting. There is a playground for kids to enjoy. We are an active place and want everyone to feel comfortable, engaged, and part of the fellowship. We also host a virtual gathering; attend here.

Goddess Group

The Goddess Group, a circle of persons who identify as female, gathers monthly to study “Thealogy,” the feminine aspect of the Divine. During third Sunday afternoon gatherings, the group uses curricula designed by the UU Women’s Federation and other women-centered organizations and individuals to explore their inner goddess. They engage in ritual, conversation, sharing, and caring as a ministry to each other and others within the greater community. Contact the facilitators  for more information. 

Writing as Spiritual Practice

Writing as Spiritual Practice, explores UUFA’s monthly worship theme through various written genres. The group meets on first Sundays at 9 a.m. multi-platform (virtually and in-person at UUFA). Prompts are provided for thinking and/or writing about the theme, and the group offers a safe space for sharing written or spoken thoughts.  Look for the group on Realm/Connect or contact the office

Young Adults

A newly emerging group at UUFA, the young adults meet monthly for fun and fellowship.  Previous outings include gatherings at local restaurants, playing board games, painting personal chalices, and touring local points of interest.  Beginning in summer 2023 we are excited to offer Reflection and Renewal discussions on the congregational theme of the month.  More details to come!  Contact UUFA’s Youth & Young Adult Coordinator  to learn more.

Alphabet Family

The Alphabet Family invites UUFA members who identify anywhere on the LGBTQIA+ spectrum to gather for fun and fellowship, usually on the fourth Sunday evening of every month. Contact group leaders for more information.

The Youth Group

An active and growing group of teenagers, the middle and high school youth group is a joyous part of the Fellowship community.  Youth meet twice monthly to discuss the monthly theme and enjoy fun and fellowship.  Events like lock-ins, youth conferences, campouts, and service projects provide opportunities to bond as a group and explore deeper issues facing our community in a safe and supportive environment. 

Youth may pursue a path to membership at UUFA and explore Scouting badges, and youth who are members may serve on the Board of Trustees. Some teens love to teach, and they are welcome to explore volunteer opportunities to lead younger kids in classroom activities or supervise outdoor playtime. Youth are also invited to participate in worship regularly, including a youth-led service, and to contribute to any areas of the fellowship that interest them.  Contact UUFA’s Youth & Young Adult Coordinator  to learn more.


October 2024
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