Reflecting on This Month’s Theme

Sunday Morning Worship

Sunday morning worship begins at 10:30 a.m. at UUFA and online on the zoom platform.

Find links to join the service, submit a Joy, Sorrow or Milestone, fill out a visitor’s card, and access past services on the View Services Page.  

October 6 “Empathy Rising” with Rev. Dr. Pippin Whitaker

The second line of the UUFA covenant affirms that we “Care for each other through deep listening and genuine kindness while assuming good will.” The world could surely benefit from more of this. In this worship service, we listen deeply for empathy. Where is empathy alive in the world, and what is our sacred call to empathy? 

October 13 “Thirsty Prophets” with Rev. Misha Sanders

Is it true that to help others we must not show our own vulnerabilities?  This week, we will explore the idea that vulnerability, along with deep listening, might just be the best way to truly minister to each other.

October 20 “Listening for Limits” with Rev. Dr. Pippin Whitaker

There is much on our hearts and minds these days, and much to be done. With too much doing, we can run out of space for being. In this worship service, let us listen for limits, and come to understand what it means to hold sacred boundaries. 

October 27 Rev. Dr. Pippin Whitaker leads worship.

Reflection Ideas and Questions

The first duty of love is to listen. – Paul Tillich

Being heard is so close to being loved that for the average person they are almost indistinguishable. – David Augsburger

First, learn to listen.
Not only for enemies around
corners in hidden places,
but for the faint footsteps
of hope and the whisper of resistance. – Rev. Sean Parker Dennison

Now if you listen closely
I’ll tell you what I know
Storm clouds are gathering
The wind is gonna blow
The human race is suffering
And I can hear the moan,
‘Cause nobody, but nobody
Can make it out here alone. – Maya Angelou

Some questions you may use as a prompt for conversation or for a journal entry follow:

  • Have you ever heard the ocean or the woods or the sky speak? If so, how might their words still be relevant for you today?
  • If you could go back to a conversation and correct how you listened, what conversation would that be?
  • How have your wounds and losses altered the way you listen? 
  • What would the world sound like to you without the noise of worry in your head? 
  • How good are you at listening compassionately to yourself?

Other News

Holiday Benevolence Market 2024

October 21:  Bad Faith Documentary Screening at UUFA

Rides To The Polls

EJC Justice Fest 2024 is Oct. 26 at UUFA!

Fall Festival 2024 is Sunday, October 27

Fall Exhibit Opening