Someone’s in the Kitchen–You?!?!

Periodically, the Food Justice Team prepares a meal for and serves a meal at the Bigger Vision Community Shelter of Athens.  You are invited to join in the meal prep, done at UUFA, or the meal serving.

The Summer Invitational Art Show

For the next exhibit in our art gallery, you’ll find something different! “The Claire and Robert Clements Summer Invitational” will feature UUFA artists and artists who have shown or are scheduled to show in the gallery.  Come for the Opening Reception on June 28th, 4:00-6:00 pm. The show will run from Sunday, June 30th through Sunday, September 29th. 


Each Sunday a fine spread is on display for all to enjoy thanks to the wonderful work of the Hospitality Team. Want to help? Click here to donate food and/or volunteer to set up or clean up.

Our Whole Lives (OWL)

We are currently registering Kindergartener and 1st graders for our Fall OWL K-1 class. in the Fall. Our Whole Lives is a series of sexuality education curricula, covering ages K-1 through adult. 

Community Health

For now at UUFA, masks are optional, but please consider wearing one if you are having symptoms of viral illness or have had a close, known exposure. You may pick up a mask from a basket at the Welcome desk at any time. Click through for more info, including where to test for free.