Lifespan Learning

Because we believe that we are constantly learning and developing as we encounter new ideas and enjoy new experiences, at UUFA we offer a variety of ways for all ages to learn and grow. Whether it is called Lifespan Learning, Religious Exploration, or simply Education, we encourage you to participate in something that nurtures your spirituality, deepens your understanding of life, or enriches you in some way.


Religious Exploration for Children and Teens

Director of Religious Exploration Kahla Childers leads this program at UUFA. After leading children from the Sunday service, volunteers welcome youngsters to Sunday School with lessons often based around discovering world religions. Middle and high school youth meet afternoons or evenings. In addition, RE volunteers host special events for young members throughout the year. Both children and youth are periodically offered the opportunity to participate in Our Whole Lives (OWL) Lifespan Sexuality Education, a curriculum developed by the Unitarian Universalist Association and the United Church of Christ.

Learn more about the program here.

For this week’s RE programming, go here.

Young Adults

A newly emerging group at UUFA, the young adults meet monthly for fun and fellowship.  Previous outings include gatherings at local restaurants, playing board games, painting personal chalices, and touring local points of interest.  We are excited to offer Reflection and Renewal discussions on the congregational theme of the month.  Contact UUFA’s Youth & Young Adult Coordinator Meredyth Howard to learn more.

Book Talks

For over 20 years, UUFA members and friends have met September through May on second Sundays to discuss a wide range of books. Recent choices include The Book of Memory by Petina Gappah and Conan Doyle for the Defense by Margalit Fox. Find this year’s schedule and the link to join the virtual discussion here.

Small Group Ministry (SGM)

On many weekdays and evenings, you can find groups of eight to twelve people gathering to enjoy getting to know one another and share ideas about a wide range of topics. Some topics are serious, and others just plain funny. SGM groups meet once or twice monthly, with group members taking turns facilitating the discussion. Most groups form by day-of-the-week availability; other groups are designated for families.

SGM registration is open twice each year, in the fall and January. Contact Camille Belnap or Kirstin Mix for more information. Listen to a member discuss their appreciation of SGM.

Racial Justice Team

Meeting online, virtually on the first Thursday evenings monthly, this group is exploring the 2021-22 UUFA goal of “engaging in dismantling white supremacy including the intersectional aspects of environmental and economic injustice.” Join the group in Realm/Connect or contact the coordinators through for more info or to join virtually.

Writing as Spiritual Practice

Writing as Spiritual Practice, facilitated by Myrna Adams West, explores UUFA’s monthly worship theme through various written genres. The group meets on first Sundays at 9:00 AM in the Kleiner Heritage Room with a Zoom option.  Myrna provides prompts for thinking and/or writing about the theme before the session. However, you may attend even if you have written nothing. The group offers a safe space for sharing written or spoken thoughts. Please join the group in Realm/Connect to receive prompts and links to join virtually or contact the office to learn more.

Tai Chi and Qigong

Mind and body come into play in Jackie and Bill Pierson’s Thursday morning Tai Chi and Qigong sessions. With guidance from Jackie and Bill, participants learn and practice self-massage, breathing exercises, and simple moves for meditation, balance, and fitness. For a link to join these virtual sessions and receive updates to the schedule, join the group in Realm/Connect or contact the office. 


October 2024
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