UUFA Flourishing: Can You Envision It?

By Vivian Sellers, Board of Trustees

This year as we create a new vision statement for this congregation, are you willing to envision UUFA as a flourishing place where congregants focus on making that happen for the institution and its people? How would that look? What would it take from the members and friends connected to UUFA to make that happen? What would you be willing to give of yourself in terms not only of money but also of your time, energy, talent, and ideas to make this happen? How can we be better stewards of this congregation and its campus?  Is this, indeed, what we want for UUFA now and for those yet to come? Are we able to move from a position of thinking in terms of scarcity into a place of thinking in terms of abundance?

These are some of the questions the “Flourishing Team” in collaboration with the Committee on Shared Ministry will be asking during the months of January and February, during our “Flourishing Campaign.”  We start with the January 8 Sunday worship service.

On February 3, share your thoughts with the Flourishing Team! Don’t miss it!

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