6 p.m. Racial Justice Team (Virtual)

This group is exploring UUFA’s goal of “engaging in dismantling white supremacy including the intersectional aspects of environmental and economic injustice.”

The RJT meets every second Thursday virtually on zoom at 6 p.m. for around an hour.

Here are some of the discussions happening and initiatives this team is currently engaged with.

  • Athens Anti-Discrimination Movement’s Women’s Health and Justice Initiative.
  • Indigenous People and the Colonizers. What does it mean to honor the people and their land who were here before the white colonizers arrived?
  • Music, Dance and Racial Justice – Program in planning stages. Help with the process!
  • Interfaith: discussing Isabel Wilkerson’s book Caste, The Origins of Our Discontents and how caste has impacted our Athens community. Small groups with racial balance. RJT is joining with Ebenezer Baptist Church and Oconee Methodist Church. Tentatively set to begin the 4th week of February.
  • Earth Day at St. James Baptist Church Cemetery. Details Sunday April 13 with work day on April 27 (tentative date to save)

Are you interested? Attend a meeting to meet others and see what it’s all about. Join the RJT in Realm/Connect from the Groups tab either on your computer or Connect app.  Joining the group means you will receive notices about upcoming meetings and always have access to the link to join the virtual meeting.

Need help joining Realm/Connect? Stop by the Welcome Desk on Sunday or reach out to membership@uuathensga.org!

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Feb 13 2025


6:30 pm
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