9 a.m. Elevated Nifty Gifty

As the winter holiday season approaches, excitement is gathering for this year’s Nifty Gifty!
What is Nifty Gifty?
Nifty Gifty is an annual UUFA tradition when folx of all ages are invited to come make crafts and gifts for their loved ones. We will have several stations to create items, such as candles, spice mixes, and picture frames. We will also have special crafts for adults!
We round out all the gift making with special treats, music, and a joyous celebration. All are welcome to this Winter Wonderland event! Be on the lookout for more information about specific craft offerings, volunteer opportunities, and more ways to engage and have fun!

The event is finished.


Dec 09 2023


9:00 am - 12:00 pm
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